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Saturday, May 14, 2011

disneyland california map of park

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  • Anonymous Freak
    May 6, 12:17 AM
    Image (

    Article Link: Apple to Move from Intel to ARM Processors in Future Laptops? (

    Yeah, but making the prediction "Apple is going to continue their long-standing practice of alternating between GPU vendors by switching to the other one!" is a heck of a lot easier to make than "Apple is going to throw away tons of user goodwill by screwing them through yet another architecture change!"

    Just last week, there was a rumor that Apple would have their custom ARM chips fabbed by Intel. That strikes me as a *LOT* more believable than Apple switching away from Intel now.

    So I just bought a new 4 core Sandy Bridge iMac tonight and now this news breaks. Is ARM actually building anything in any way shape or form that competes with the Intel X86 stuff right now or is this just vaporware at this point?

    At this point, pure rumor, not even vaporware, as vaporware implies the company has actually announced something.

    ARM does have chips that can compete at the very lowest end of x86, such as with the chips presently running Netbooks. But it doesn't have anything even remotely competitive with the mainstream chips. (To use names: They compete with Atom, not with Core.)

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  • canderton
    Apr 5, 03:17 PM
    Apple better watch who they pick fights with, especially with one of the largest corporations in the world. I love Apple but I honestly wish Toyota would just tell them to F off.

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  • SandynJosh
    Nov 23, 12:05 PM
    Apple learned that with their old music player, you know the one before the iPod, oh wait there wasn't one...

    Oh yah, there was one. It was a CD player that was soooo bad hardy a soul bought it and it's barely remembered. I think it happened while Steve was at Next abd the idjuts were in control of of Apple. It may have set a record for a short lifespan, not counting Microsoft's vaporware that was never spawned.

    disneyland california map of park. disneyland california map.
  • disneyland california map.

  • ellsworth
    Apr 5, 01:48 PM
    "maintain their good relationship with Apple,"

    Toyota sells cars not electronic/computer/idevices.

    What'ever. Glad I bought a Subaru :)

    (Yes, I know Toyota has a large stake in Subaru)

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  • to disneyland maps Using

  • Small White Car
    Apr 5, 01:34 PM
    I just don''t like to see Apple flex their power to do things they cannot legally force under the DMCA (per The Library of Congress).

    They didn't flex anything. They asked.

    What more do you want? They already did it in the nicest way they possibly could have.

    disneyland california map of park. California Adventure is
  • California Adventure is

  • ChrisTX
    Apr 7, 08:54 PM
    The idea here is that NO ONE else was even considering making a tablet until Apple, and the iPad. They didn't want to be left behind like they were with the iPhone, so now everyone's jumping on board. It's RIM'S fault for not coming to market sooner with a tablet. You can thank Apple for creating the current modern day tablet. Everyone says apple needs competition to keep them from getting stagnant as a company, but they didn't need it when producing the iPod, or the iPhone, and they certainly didn't need it for the iPad. No ones fault but their own that they aren't smart enough to innovate like Apple.

    disneyland california map of park. Disneyland California Map 2010
  • Disneyland California Map 2010

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 4, 05:22 AM
    Why not? They did it with the iBooks for quite some time...
    It is a new game after PPC->x86.
    Apple is now competing directly with all other PC manufacturers. You can easily compare the hardware between different computers.
    Hence, I am sure Apple will upgrade all MBs to Merom as soon as they have made sure they will get enough Meroms to satisfy the need of MBP.
    Besides since both the iBook and 12'' PB seems to have merged into the 13'' MB, it is vital to keep this line updated for demanding users with a need for a smaller form factor.

    disneyland california map of park. Disneyland California Map 2009
  • Disneyland California Map 2009

  • Lord Bodak
    Mar 28, 10:56 AM
    Not as far as 95% of users are concerned. Most users don't utilize half of what the current device can do.

    That might be true, but most people I know walk in to their cell phone stores every 2 years and buy whatever is new. Many of them will choose a new Android or WP7 phone over a year-old iPhone, simply because the guy at the store says "this just came out."

    As long as Apple is in bed with carriers on the standard two-year contract, they have to stick to a 12 or 24 month product cycle. 24 months is too long, which leaves the current 12 month cycle.

    Personally I think this is all FUD. iPhone 5 will be an incremental upgrade, like the 3GS was, and it will be announced at WWDC. Because it's a fairly small upgrade compared to the other big items of the year (Lion, iOS 5, and likely new Macs with more of a focus on SSD), there will be less talk about it in advance of the event.

    disneyland california map of park. disneyland california
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  • jfinke
    Aug 4, 06:46 AM
    the general availablity for the merom and woodcrest chips yet??

    All of the benchmarks that people were drooling over the last couple of weeks were for the conroe, which is the desktop version.

    So, it would not surprise me at all to see a delay in a merom based machine (or a woodcrest for that matter).

    disneyland california map of park. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • Defender2010
    Mar 27, 03:47 AM
    2011 is all about the iPad 3 until next year. Otherwise Steve would have said " three quarters of 2011 is all about the iPad 2 and the rest of it is about iPad 3"......don't you people listen????

    disneyland california map of park. disneyland map
  • disneyland map

  • Krafty
    Apr 5, 02:55 PM
    I agree 100%.
    In case you haven't picked up - I have a passion for asians, so I was agreeing that there should be 75% of asian girls sitting on unaffordable cars wallpapers in Cydia.

    disneyland california map of park. Disneyland California Map 2009
  • Disneyland California Map 2009

  • iGary
    Aug 7, 02:00 PM
    Anyone drop one of these in their cart and press order yet?

    disneyland california map of park. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • NorCalLights
    Nov 26, 07:22 PM
    To me, Tablets are worthless. I've had to deal with them at work because some people continue to order them for all their tasks, but they're less mobile than some laptops. They're usually the same thickness or size as a portable, so why carry something that's going to be crippled in some manner?

    What makes you think that an Apple tablet would be the same as every other tablet you've seen? Apple isn't one for releasing "crippled" products... they haven't made an ultra-portable laptop since the Duo, and their full-featured laptops are as thin as most ultra-portables in the PC world.

    There are plenty of applications for tablet computers that may be outside the scope of your imagination. I can think of many in my own life. A tablet running a full version of OSX would fit nicely into my life. I hope it happens.

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  • All lure map of park maps are

  • SLCentral
    Aug 2, 12:59 PM
    Why is everyone so convinced that there will be significant updates to the Cinema Displays? Remember how long the non-Alu plastic displays were out? It must have been five years, while the Alu displays have been out for less then two years.

    I can't see Apple making a bigger screen then 30" for desktop use. And if they were to, it would be for a multimedia center type thing, which not only is unlikely, but would never be released at WWDC. As a 30" display owner, theres no way a screen larger then 30" would be a feasible desktop display. Besides, anything larger then 30" is just too niche of a market.

    Regarding a built-in iSight, I think the Pro market is just the wrong market for that. Apple has to be aware of its market, and b/c of security reasons, cameras just aren't feasible at this point.

    Hell, who knows, I'm probably 100% wrong :p.

    Edit: Perhaps Apple will just bump the display to be HDCP compliant. HDMI is pretty much the same as DVI, for everyone who doesn't know ;).

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  • reflex
    Jul 22, 11:10 AM
    As soon as core 2 merom comes out every pc notebook will have it.

    This is simply not true. Even though Core Duo has been out for about half a year, a lot of pc laptops are still sold with Pentium-M or Celeron-M cpus.

    MacBook can keep the Core Duo for a while longer (until November, for example).

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  • disneyland california map

  • trip1ex
    Mar 29, 01:00 PM
    Not enough for my collection.

    And never felt like I had to download music at work and anywhere else.

    Maybe I'm out of touch, but ...

    I do like the idea of not having to back stuff up in case I lose it to a hard drive crash.

    5gb ain't enough to cover my collection however.

    disneyland california map of park. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • Fiveos22
    Jul 22, 08:25 AM
    Well this should mean that the NDA's for Merom are up, where are some benchmarks? I want to know why I almost waited until fall to get a laptop

    (Merom was supposed to be the true "new" Intel mobile chip design, unlike the mix and match Yonah proc, but what does that mean as far as numbers are concerned?)

    disneyland california map of park. disneyland california map 2009
  • disneyland california map 2009

  • Thataboy
    Jul 30, 11:54 AM
    If this ever happens, I would bet the farm that Apple will do it with their own MVNO. I would make a reasonable guess that this MVNO would be based on Sprint.

    In every facet, Apple is about the fully-inegrated Apple end-to-end solution. The one time I can think of where they tried it (ROKR), it was a dismal failure. Why would Apple create an unbelievable phone, just to have the likes of VERIZON cripple every feature on it?

    I would guess Sprint because they are the only company that has reasonably-priced high-speed data. Apple surely would want access to a high-speed data network, and Sprint's Power Vision is very cheap and already fairly widespread.

    I think the killer feature would be iChat Mobile... To be able to video chat with your friends on the go -- people would eat it up. I don't know why no one has done it yet, as it seems the technology is already there.

    Anyway, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out, if it ever does at all. I don't think there have been any successful MVNOs, but Apple is the one who could pull it off.

    disneyland california map of park. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • toddybody
    Apr 7, 11:33 AM
    Every choice you make has consequences. If Apple were to put in a non integrated graphics card, they would have less battery life, their Macbooks would be bigger, weigh more and have greater trouble with disposal of heat.

    This is not what Apple customers want.

    If that were true then why does Apple bless the 15inch with a dedicated solution and not the 13? Battery life? Optimus switching (something they already tout), bigger? the 13" and 15" are the same thickness...the 17" is .02" thicker yet has the SAME spec options as the 15". Footprint is NOT the issue...its a simple price/feature model(want more? pay more). Personally, I think THAT is not what Apple customers want.

    Now, I agree with you that they cant go slapping a GTX480m in there for the reasons you cited:)

    PS: How did my earlier post imply that Apple should "give parts to companies"...etc ? Apple can do what they like, I just prefer that competition has a chance to push the envelope.

    Mar 26, 11:37 PM
    I hope it is. I'd rather they delay and release a better version of the OS with significantly more granularity for modifications, features, and so on, than what is essentially a .1 release with a few new "features". But, as others have said, this is purely speculation. Remember the rumours that the iPad 2 was delayed? Exactly. Just **** made up to manipulate the stock price.

    Nov 15, 08:22 AM
    Now one of the remaining issues would be after taking the iPhone out of the dock, do you just leave the dock or actually detach it and hide it in the console or glove compartment. i am betting that it just stays on the dash--a feature that might concern me give where I have to park from time to time and gps theft seems to be on the rise.

    I live in a small city and generally garage the car at night, so I can get away with leaving the dock on the dash on a routine basis. If I do leave it parked on the street over night in a not-so-safe area one of these days, I guess I'll remove the dock and take it with me.

    The nice thing about being able to leave it on the dash is I use it more often, for shorter trips than I did when I had a less convenient arrangement -- e.g., if I want music on a trip of five miles, or to use the gps for navigating a country road at night or bad weather, when it helps to know if there's a sharp turn a quarter mile ahead.

    Mar 31, 09:51 AM
    You are mixing up badly. That example shows that humans who can read, are trained to rely on what they read almost blindly rather than identifying a color. This means, Apples choice of making the icons grey makes it indeed easier to recognize as there is one less distraction. An even stronger conclusion would be: Leave the icons away completely, because reading is much faster.

    Icons were useful in the 1990s, when the number of pixels on the screen was small. Nowadays, just use text, it is way better. Look at websites, icons are used very sparsely. Text is the way to go.

    I think you're on to something here. Personally I prefer colour icons, they're quite easy for me to recognise when I'm not using my glasses.

    But for the non-icon approach just take a look at Gmail for example -- no icons, just text links and it's easy to use. Hotmail recently switched to a mostly icon-free interface and I find it easier to use than the previous icon-ladened design. Then look at the usability nightmare that is Yahoo mail with its icon infested UI.

    Reading reviews for the Color app it seems that labelless icons are very unwelcome. And I agree, Color's cryptic unlabeled icons defy logic.

    As far as Mac OS X 10.7 goes I think they should either have colour icons or no icons at all. The gray icons are a waste of space. By the time I can make out what the icon is, I've already read the text next to it.

    Waht isn't monetined is taht plepoe raed msltoy by rcensignoig seaphs. Which is why you were able to read that sentence without much struggle, if any. So well defined icons with unique shapes would be good, or colours that stand out. But colourless, shapeless icons (such as in are all but useless.

    Mar 28, 11:30 AM
    I'm in the 3GS camp too, so I won't lie and say I'm happy about this.

    I'm rockin the day one 3gs right now, so I'm with you happy that at least hopefully we will be ableto get some new hardware this year

    Sep 16, 12:20 PM
    I do the ordering for Macs for my company, i ordered a 17" MBP for our new art director early sept and it arrived about a less than a week later. I ordered a new 15" MBP yesterday and the shipping date was Sept 20.

    However, i just read this forum and cancelled the order thinking perhaps i rather not take the risk and wait for the new macbooks, hopefully they do come out on the 19th or 25th.

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