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Saturday, May 14, 2011

call of duty black ops zombies five map

call of duty black ops zombies five map. call of duty black ops zombies

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  • r0k
    Apr 12, 01:47 PM
    1) Is there any better mac software equivalent to the one i listed that i use daily?

    2) Is the mac command line a full unix one, with same commands, etc? As i said i'm used to linux command line from managing my web servers, and if i can write shell scripts in mac, it could save me good time.

    Thanks for this nice thread that was very informative about the main differences/issues i'll find when switching over to Mac.

    If you felt confortable with Linux and its command line, Mac OS X should be no real change for you. Its command line interface is no different. If I remember right, Mac OS X's standard Shell is in bash, but you can change it to the many other popular shells that are used with Unix and linux and even install your own.

    Once you are using the shell program in OS X, you will find the not much has changed UNIX wise but remember that OS X is based on BSD and not linux so I guess there are some small (very small) differences.

    I agree completely. I went from Windows to Linux to OS X. Well not quite... I went from
    Windows + Linux
    Windows + Linux + OS X
    OS X + Linux.*
    (* with windows banished from the home network and only used on the stone knives and bearskins issued to (inflicted upon) me by my employer)

    During this time I found Linux and OS X to be similar and I don't bother thinking about switching from bash to csh or sh. I'm happy with bash. If I want to run a shell script, it always begins with #!/bin/sh so all the sh dependent shell scripts I've gotten used to, written and rewritten over the years work just fine.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. Black Ops Zombies Five Doctor.
  • Black Ops Zombies Five Doctor.

  • Huntn
    Mar 15, 07:27 PM
    Not really. When all power is lost, the plant is still able to cool itself through other means

    I'd say some Japanese reactors are proving this statement false. Backup generators designed to ensure cooling of the reactors either failed or were knocked out by something- earthquake or water. Could it be that the infrastructure to deliver the cooling was damaged? If not damaged, would the un-powered system continue to provide adequate cooling? I'm not asking you for an answer, just thinking out loud. My impression is that the initial shutdown functioned properly, but shutdown is not something that happens in a matter of minutes, but in a matter of days and without cooling water, things turn to **** quickly.

    Chernobyl utilized a design that did not utilize many of the safety systems in place as today's plants, such as having multiple layers of containment for one...

    Yes, but the comparison to Chernobyl is based on severity of the event and the release of radioactive material into the atmosphere, not the design.

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  • GeekLawyer
    Apr 15, 10:06 AM
    So basically, fat kids deserve to be bullied! Crying themselves to sleep every night is sure to burn extra calories. We should give the bullies a medal for helping reduce our public health care costs.

    But hands off the gays!When I was younger, I was bullied for both. No one is better or worse than the other. This campaign is about telling gay kids to stick it out, that it will get better as you get older.

    It sure did in my case. And I think kids coming up need to hear this message.

    Fat kids, too. But that's for a group other than The Trevor Project to organize. Maybe you'd like to do it??

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 05:26 PM
    Ahem, the CANDU reactor design is the 'common rail diesel' of the nuclear World.

    It will burn the equivalent of cooking oil. :p

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  • Call Of Duty Black Ops Zombies

  • superleccy
    Sep 20, 06:11 AM
    It's also far and away the worst. It's the televisual equivalent of drilling a hole in your skull and pouring pure ethanol into your brain.

    Not quite. Having a hole in your skull and a brain full of ethanol is actually a pre-requisite for enjoying ITV.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. Black Ops Zombies Five Map.
  • Black Ops Zombies Five Map.

  • mahonmeister
    Oct 25, 10:51 PM
    I just got my mac pro a month and a half ago.

    And you shall continue to enjoy it. Like Arn has stated, this likely isn't replacing any current configurations, just adding to them.

    This seems really exciting. All these cores are gonna pump out some serious power. Now if they could just mash together that processor that IBM made at like 50GHz (I think they cooled it with dry ice or something) with a multi core processor they'd have something! Bring it.

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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • toxic
    Apr 5, 10:44 PM
    forgot to add that the "+" (maximize) button is wildly inconsistent in its function.

    maximizing to full screen in general isn't the way OS X "works", which is why most programs don't do that...but it seems Apple never really decided what the maximize button is supposed to do.

    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    that's what the dock is for... you put your most common applications in the dock, everything else is in the Applications folder, accessible from the dock.

    I'm was a complete Mac virgin when I switched a couple of months ago but some of the small things that still annoy me.

    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    cmd + delete

    3. There's no ".." button in finder(i.e. go one level up a directory structure)

    cmd + up

    4. Not having an actual uninstall program procedure kind of makes me paranoid.

    all necessary files are contained in the application package, any files that go somewhere else are just saves or preferences. the exception is for certain programs, like Adobe ones, where the developer is too lazy to rewrite their code so that all the necessary components are in one place.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie

  • rickdollar
    Apr 13, 12:57 AM
    I need more information before I can form an opinion about this.

    Sorry, this is MacRumors. No rational statements are allowed. It's in the rules.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. lack ops zombies five thief.
  • lack ops zombies five thief.

  • faroZ06
    May 2, 09:06 PM
    Can you for once write something truthful? Why are you even here. Windows viruses are more rampant than ever before, trust me I remove them for a living and it eats up a good chunk of my work week.

    As for your constant "fanboy" comments I think calling people "fanboys" should get you the ban hammer. No one wants to hear it anymore. They just don't. Oh, and for the "koolaid" cliche? Real original :rolleyes: Haven't heard that a million times.

    You obviously know nothing about Windows or Mac if you honestly believe the FUD you constantly put on this forum.

    Agreed. Also, "fanboy" counts as a personal insult, which is against the rules. I almost got banned for calling some moron a moron (he was complaining about how he didn't care about an article, and I asked him why he clicked on it).

    If that guy thinks that MACDefender (not a virus) is an issue, he would faint if he saw a Windows virus.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. Black Ops Zombie Maps Five
  • Black Ops Zombie Maps Five

  • Lau
    Aug 29, 10:57 AM
    It's a tough one. I'd like to think that we could vote with our wallets over something like this, but unfortunately I need a computer, and there's no way I'm not using OSX.

    I'd like to think we could still complain about it, but "Apple's annual shareholder meetings have seen frequent protests from environmental groups" makes me think that they don't really give a toss, which is bad, mmkay.

    I don't really see why if Dell can do it, Apple can't.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. call of duty black ops zombies
  • call of duty black ops zombies

  • roadbloc
    Apr 9, 06:15 PM
    It's all about the platform.

    Not the games then? I guess that is why the Pippin was such a tremendous success. Less than 80 games, but a great bit of hardware inside the box. Everyone wanted one. :rolleyes:

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. lack ops zombies five map
  • lack ops zombies five map

  • nsayer
    Apr 28, 08:22 AM
    The very second Apple Stores receive shipments of this fad, they're gone. I can't get a fad at the moment because everyone else and their dog buys them before I have a chance.

    That's pretty much the definition of a fad.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. Black Ops Zombies Five Doctor.
  • Black Ops Zombies Five Doctor.

  • *LTD*
    Apr 24, 04:59 PM
    I figured I'd use this wonderful Easter Sunday (a day spent celebrating the beginning of Spring and absolutely nothing else), to pose a question that I have.... What's the deal with religious people? After many a spirited thread about religion, I still can't wrap my head around what keeps people in the faith nowadays. I'm not talking about those people in third world nations, who have lived their entire lives under religion and know of nothing else. I'm talking about your Americans (North and South), your Europeans, the people who have access to any information they want to get (and some they don't) who should know better by now. And yet, in thread after thread, these people still swear that their way is the only way. No matter what logic you use, they can twist the words from their holy books and change the meaning of things to, in their minds, completely back up their point of view. Is it stubbornness, the inability to admit that you were wrong about something so important for so long? Is it fear? If I admit this is BS, I go to hell? Simple ignorance? Please remember, I'm not talking about just believing in a higher power, I mean those who believe in religion, Jews, Christian, etc.

    Except that you can't paint Buddhists or Taoists with this sort of brush. Yet they are "religions" too.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. lack ops zombies five map.
  • lack ops zombies five map.

  • chakraj
    Mar 18, 12:30 PM
    Dont you all understand, Unlimited is the name of the plan not the discription of the amount of data used.

    Much like the Ford LTD, or Limited, they were just named LTD, they were not actually a limited edition vehicle.

    ATT REP; Hello sir, would you like to sign up for our unlimited data plan? with that plan you get 5gigs, you can use anyway you want, as long as it is viewing facebook or google only, any other web traffic is not in your unlimited plan. For that you would need our world wide Unlimited web access plan. With that plan you get 5gigs and you also get to look at youtube and Amazon. If you want more there is our unlimited universal time and space plan. With that plan you get everything from the other unlimited plan plus you get access to ebay!. for a limited time..

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • bentmywookie
    Mar 18, 03:44 PM
    I can't see anything really wrong with this program.
    You still have to buy the music!

    The labels need to get over trying to shove this DRM crap down our throats.
    It will never work! This has been demostrated time and time again.

    Of course Apple will shut it down soon.

    Well put - I can't believe some people actually wrote "hopefully Apple will fix/shut this down soon" - do you enjoy having usage of your music crippled? I certainly don't.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. call of duty black ops zombies
  • call of duty black ops zombies

  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 02:47 PM
    It might help starving Africans, but we could also screw up our genetical inheritance royally. Cross breeding is a problem we know too little about.

    Ditto stem cells. :)

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. cod lack ops zombies maps
  • cod lack ops zombies maps

  • Benjy91
    May 2, 10:00 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    WOW! Malware that requires the user to do a Google search, then download, and install. For all of this, it asks for your credit card number.

    How can we ever defend our computers against such a diabolical threat?!

    Most Malware requires direct user intervention, people are idiots.

    call of duty black ops zombies five map. call of duty black ops zombies
  • call of duty black ops zombies

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 03:40 PM
    It's like a "revalation" without the "angals" sanging.


    call of duty black ops zombies five map. Call Of Duty Black Ops Zombies
  • Call Of Duty Black Ops Zombies

  • balamw
    Apr 11, 10:57 AM
    Would it be possible/legal to create a Virtual machine on my mac mini running OSX Lion (when it's released) if I don't want to upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion on my mini (when I get it/lion is out)?

    Unlikely, but you can install Lion on an external drive and boot from that when you want to.


    Mar 14, 11:02 AM
    In case anyone was wondering. ;)

    "China syndrome", not "Japan" syndrome.

    mac jones
    Mar 12, 03:58 AM
    Hey, I've been hanging out on the forum for the iPad. But frankly i'm a little confused right now about what i just saw. From appearances (I mean appearances), the nuke plant in Japan BLEW UP, and they are lying about it if they say it's a minor issue. I don't want to believe this . You can see it with your own eyes, but i'm not sure exactly what i'm seeing. Certainly it isn't a small explosion.

    Until I know what's really happening I'm officially, totally, freaked out......Any takers? :D

    Apr 25, 12:33 PM
    This takes responsibility away from what God would want, to what we think is right. I believe this to be a more realistic approach.

    Comma added, because my brain was starting to hurt. ;)

    And I agree, but then 'power' is lost, and that just won't do, now will it? :rolleyes:

    Apr 24, 03:06 PM
    I have never been to a Muslim country, but I am sure the results are amplified outside of North America ... I have worked with many Muslims here in Canada ... I have never met even one that was not completely controlling over their spouse or daughters.

    Were they of Pakistani/Bangladeshi origin by any chance? It seems in their culture to be possessive of their women.

    20 years ago I had never heard of a Father murdering their Daughter because she was dressing "too western"

    Thanks EdifyingG ... I was not going to look up all that ... pretty much sums things up

    CULTURE. Nothing to do with Islam!!!!!!!! Family of Pakistani origin.

    Rebuttal provided.

    Mar 18, 12:47 PM
    Bust every last one of them AT&T!! :) In fact start with this person.
    LOL for what using 900mb of data last month.........:D

    You people are too much............:)

    I know the road At&t is on, they are trying to make money.

    I posted the lost revenue

    I posted the reason they hate unlimited

    you can make excuse after excuse for At&t bottom line is

    If I have 5gb lets say, then I should be free to use up to 5gb without worry.

    The facts get distorted by deceptive TOS's from At&t and peoples own agendas.

    Agendas on both sides
    The stupid people who use 10's of GB a month to download movies and torrents
    The people who are righteous and like to point fingers and "I told you so"

    I haven't tethered in 6 months.


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