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Saturday, May 14, 2011

tim hetherington killed in libya

tim hetherington killed in libya. Tim Hetherington

  • Tim Hetherington

  • bedifferent
    Mar 31, 03:58 AM
    Sure, I know. It's just plain stupid default-settings if you ask me.
    I can't imagine this is a better default setting for new users.

    One aspect that always bothered me since Leopard: having a silver dock with light indicators. It makes determining running apps in the dock very difficult. One of the first things I do is change my dock to black glass and add stack overlays:

    tim hetherington killed in libya. 2006) and Tim Hetherington
  • 2006) and Tim Hetherington

  • crees!
    Aug 2, 11:00 AM
    Give us something real and with substance. These analysts... pfffft.

    MacRumors... you mean you haven't uncovered anything.. anything worthly of posting besides the crap that has been spewn out over the past few months?

    tim hetherington killed in libya. TIM HETHERINGTON KILLED IN

  • trip1ex
    May 6, 07:19 AM
    Not like they don't already have OSX running on ARM in-house.

    tim hetherington killed in libya. For Tim Hetherington
  • For Tim Hetherington

  • aswitcher
    Jul 31, 12:32 AM
    " While I'm sure if it is true..."

    it is true, i saw a add for it in a magazine. it gave the website:,
    but when i typed that in, all it gave me was the apple website with the .org URL. and its not a flip phone. its made by Sony Ericson. I believe this is why an Apple logo showed up on that one thing Sony was showing.

    i saw the real one on the back pages of a "MacBook" magazine. would have bought it, but it was $30.
    it was this add

    Wasn't this pic circulating as a fake some time back...

    tim hetherington killed in libya. tim hetherington
  • tim hetherington

  • robertgenito
    Nov 8, 12:09 AM
    I can't believe people still use antivirus software :P Now that I think of it, the last time I had antivirus software installed was around 1997. But then I went through puberty and realized the whole computer virus fear is ridiculous. Just because it's called a "virus" doesn't mean it holds the exact definition of a virus.

    My solution is better than Sophos's and will take you less time, and it is also a simple solution: stay away from AV software, and only install applications from people/companies that you trust :D

    tim hetherington killed in libya. Tim Hetherington was killed
  • Tim Hetherington was killed

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 28, 09:54 AM
    Due to moving countries for a year I had to stick with my iPhone 3G. When I get home again in the summer I'd rather not be buying into a year old device. :(

    tim hetherington killed in libya. Tim Hetherington, right
  • Tim Hetherington, right

  • sidb
    Apr 21, 04:49 PM
    If it doesn't have Lights Out Management, it isn't a server. Our datacenter doesn't even allow servers without LOM into the building, and I agree with that policy. There's more to making a server than turning it sideways and bolting it to a rack.

    tim hetherington killed in libya. Tim Hetherington, Chris
  • Tim Hetherington, Chris

  • caspersoong
    Apr 23, 07:57 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    This is really nice. But is it really necessary? How many ppi will it be?

    tim hetherington killed in libya. and Tim Hetherington were
  • and Tim Hetherington were

  • phlavor
    Apr 21, 06:14 PM
    I would hazard a guess that the thinner facade suggests a lack of optical media drives, or if it does have one, a vertical slot-loader. But I think what with flash drive or Internet distribution, optical media drives aren't really needed any more, even on a Pro machine.

    If they made the MacBook Air External Superdrive bootable and compatible with any computer I would welcome the elimination of internal optical drives.

    tim hetherington killed in libya. Tim Hetherington, right
  • Tim Hetherington, right

  • Cobrien
    Sep 11, 11:01 AM
    And the logic here is..... iPod = iPod with iusic? If Apple had that logic, we would have seen an mPod, right? Or pPod for the iPod Photo. But I have seen them doing thinks that would throw real logic out of the door, before, so yeah, why not vPod for the video one.

    What if its pronounce "vaye-pod" rhyming with iPod.

    Or am I just clutching at straws.

    tim hetherington killed in libya. quot;Sad news Tim Hetherington
  • quot;Sad news Tim Hetherington

  • Applejuiced
    Mar 26, 11:33 PM
    I'm not sure.. I do think the iPhone 5 SHOULD be delayed a few months on their part as the iPhone 4 is still selling like crazy and they have not tapped out that market.

    You're right about sales and its still very popular but to keep up with the competition they need to release one every year and maybe even sooner if they can IMO.
    Android and win mobile come out with new phones every few months and lots of better hardware and other stuff trying to take away from the iphone.
    They're flooding the market with cheaper and more powerfull smartphones, the longer Apple takes the more marketshare they will lose.

    tim hetherington killed in libya. Tim Hetherington, photographed
  • Tim Hetherington, photographed

  • bastienvans
    Mar 30, 06:00 PM
    Will this work on the 2011 mbp's?

    tim hetherington killed in libya. Sad news Tim Hetherington died
  • Sad news Tim Hetherington died

  • japanime
    Mar 29, 05:57 PM
    Sounds very subjective when you give no cost of living comparisons.

    The cost of living in Japan is very comparable to that of the United States. VERY. And I speak from experience, having lived both in rural and metro America as well as rural and metro Japan.

    And you are the one who brought up "happy" employees. How do you objectively measure "happiness"?

    tim hetherington killed in libya. Fighting in Libya#39;s besieged
  • Fighting in Libya#39;s besieged

  • Popeye206
    Apr 6, 06:20 PM
    It seems to me that things have gone wildly off topic. The story was "Motorola Xoom Tablet Sales: Approximately 100,000 Units So Far?" not "Android vs. Apple: Which One Sucks More?"

    We should be discussing the validity of the numbers and why this is the case, and not strictly "mine is longer than yours and here's why." Save those rants for a comparison of the devices story.

    LOL! Unfortunately, this seems to go with the territory. Mention Android and it's bound to start a battle. Just like mention AT&T or Verizon and the flames start flying. It's silly, but fun to watch the banter.

    100,000 or even 200,000 units is not good news for Moto. If sales don't increase quickly, retailers will loose interest and focus on what sells - the iPad.

    tim hetherington killed in libya. PHOTO: Tim Hetherington
  • PHOTO: Tim Hetherington

  • FakeStveWosniak
    Mar 29, 03:54 PM
    Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.

    It's not a zero sum game. Western economies will increasingly shift toward higher skilled professions as the BRIC countries take over manufacturing and mid level white collar work. The U.S. must step up its educational training in order for its many low paid service workers to move up the ladder, though.

    tim hetherington killed in libya. Blog - Tim Hetherington
  • Blog - Tim Hetherington

  • slu
    Aug 7, 01:55 PM
    Perhaps for a PowerBook G5?

    As far as I am concerned, it is the same sort of thing really.

    tim hetherington killed in libya. (AP Photo/Outpost FilmsTim
  • (AP Photo/Outpost FilmsTim

  • koruki
    Apr 7, 05:39 PM
    I think the thing to note here is that, yes Apple has the power and money to hold down the main supply of the worlds touchscreen panels but we shouldn't go and believe they are doing it JUST to be anti-competative, they are hardly getting enough for themselves. Its not their fault everyone wants an iPad (blame the competition lol) , so at least the panels are getting used :)

    tim hetherington killed in libya. tim hetherington killed in
  • tim hetherington killed in

  • redsoxunixgeek
    Dec 31, 08:51 PM
    I use Sophos. And it is awesome, easy to use, and would recommend it to everyone, including their pure message mail sanitizing program. Best on the Market, especially when used with a Barracuda Firewall.

    Now My VPN policy for ALL users, is when they sign on to the VPN they have a host check that verifies

    1. Anti Virus Software is installed

    2. The Machine signing in has been scanned for viruses within the last 3 days prior to sign in.

    3. The AV software is updated with the latest updates.

    If all 3 pass, (plus their RSA Key and their Digital Certificate) then they can sign in,

    If not, they go to download it.

    This is just common sense in my opinion, and good practice for those of us that are short staffed and need to protect our network resources.

    tim hetherington killed in libya. tim hetherington killed in
  • tim hetherington killed in

  • macnews
    Jul 21, 02:10 PM
    Glad I didn't decide to buy a new MBP in June! I have plans to wait until after WWDC, but I think we might see a change in processor before than. I don't see moving to a newer Intel chip as being a "big" developer issue.

    Apr 14, 12:53 PM
    Holy crap! You know these things are going on but to read the details is nauseating.

    America is getting bent over and the dummies in the Tea Party are championing for their own destruction. Here is a link to the story about the Real Housewives of Wall Street.

    I strongly recommend people do whatever they can to watch the Documentary Inside Job.

    It's red face enraging to see how much money was pocketed by rich *******s in this country while working americans were losing their homes.

    Apr 26, 02:28 PM
    Of course, because Apple is making the same mistakes that let Windows get +95% market share in spite of Apple's early lead in PCs.

    A "closed" eco-system has no chance against an "open" eco-system.

    Mac is still a success nonetheless...

    Will be the same for the iPhone. Apple is happy with 2 models on 2 providers in the USA...

    Sep 11, 10:56 AM
    dont forget the mbp revision

    that will never happen

    I hope you don't mean "never"... but I agree it's not likely to be tomorrow, unless it's tossed in as an aside ("We've released a bunch of great new products today... but what I want to tell you about is how you can use them to access movies through iTMS....").

    Someday they'll have to update the MBPs, and I'm hoping it will be soon, because I need a new laptop!

    Full of Win
    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    Nothing to see here...just the unabashed evilness of Apple shining through. I'm sure Apple will 'flash the wad' to the right people and make this issue go away...sad :( We are nothing more than chattel to Apple Consumer Electronics, where we are tracked and monitored like open range livestock. This is how they view us, as THEIR herd to do with as they please.

    Welcome to the future guys. :mad:

    Mar 30, 08:01 PM
    Are there any new internet or network features? Is internet access built in differently to take advantage of the cloud as the major news sources claim?

    More to the point, I'll be interested in the new focus after 10.7 b/c the new team head is focused on internet tech and cloud services� I want to see something like Chrome OS but can run native apps with a radically new UI, something simple like Sony's Rachel UI for the Xperia X10, or the PS3 UI� or even iPad UI...

    Also, new filesystem for the Love of God� please! License something or develop your own� HFS+ is old and dead. We should, at minimum, have a 64-bit system, with clones, and full disk encryption. Maybe links to cloud/web services in a unique way no one have thought of yet� Just get rid of all the redundancy and crap to make a super efficient machine�

    I still think HFS+ is great. And they do have full disk encryption. I don't know why you thought they didn't, but they do. And what do you mean by a 64-bit system? The kernel already is 64-bit with the support for 32-bit apps.

    tim hetherington killed in libya Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin