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Saturday, May 14, 2011

black ops wallpaper zombies

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  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 26, 02:30 PM
    Well Apple doesn't sell its software for use on any other phones (or computers), so how is it competing with software-installed numbers on all hardware types?

    Apple isn't forced to allow iOS only on their own devices.

    Besides, Apple is doing the same thing with OS X, it's made for Macs only, and people have always been comparing their sales against Windows.

    Seems to me you're just bitter about it.

    black ops wallpaper zombies. Call of Duty : Black Ops
  • Call of Duty : Black Ops

  • robertgenito
    Nov 3, 02:23 PM
    The next phases of Sopho's agenda:

    1) create more "viruses" and get as much media hype as possible. This will ensure a larger demand of their free product.

    2) once a significant number of users are registered and using their free product, force them to update their application--for new virus protection. this new update will lock them into a 30-day trial mode :) users will have to pay $60 per year in order to stay protected.

    I'm not worried at all honestly. I'm just even happier to be running a unix-based operating system :)

    black ops wallpaper zombies. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • Porco
    Apr 23, 06:53 PM
    All very nice and I'm fully supportive of more high resolution graphics as soon as possible. It's a shame they don't believe in supporting the millions of Blu-ray discs being sold though, and trying to convince people that 720p iTunes content is good enough for TVs that are bigger than any of the displays they've ever sold, whilst planning for smaller but higher resolution screens that they must apparently believe makes a difference.

    black ops wallpaper zombies. lack ops wallpaper zombies.
  • lack ops wallpaper zombies.

  • Daveoc64
    May 4, 03:08 PM
    Is everyone missing the "Preferred" in the headline of this thread? Preferred does not me "only" or "required" or "mandatory."

    We're not yet at the point where digitial distribution is a feasible option for everyone, but Apple needs to take the steps towards it now before the rest of the industry passes by.

    My opposition to this isn't because I think Digital Distribution is bad (the copy of Windows 7 I'm writing this on was downloaded, legally I might add, from Microsoft), it's because of how Apple is offering it.

    I was able to download a .iso of Windows and install it how I wanted to. I was able to back up the .iso to an external hard drive and also to burn a copy of it.

    The App Store (unless they change things) wouldn't allow that. I would have no problem with this if Apple included a way to create a DVD or USB installer from the download.

    black ops wallpaper zombies. lack ops wallpaper zombies.
  • lack ops wallpaper zombies.

  • Elijahg
    Apr 23, 08:02 PM
    Again, KDE 2.0, 10 years ago. My Pentium 2 333 mhz didn't break a sweat doing SVG icons then (the Krystal SVG icon theme). ;)

    I seriously doubt this is even an issue.

    I doubt it had to process translucency or resize 50 times per second for 30+ images though :P If it were as efficient as bitmaps, it'd be used for game textures for sure... A texture would scale to any size with no pixellation at all, and the details wouldn't get blurred out when scaling down.

    But I don't understand the resistance to SVG support, which would be a decade late. Sure it's not a shortcoming, but in light of these stories, it would be a "nicer to have".

    I do agree SVG support is a good thing, just I don't see it getting used much. Even with resolution independence, standard pixel images are much easier to handle.

    black ops wallpaper zombies. cod lack ops wallpaper
  • cod lack ops wallpaper

  • OzyOly
    Mar 29, 11:32 AM
    Niiice. If only I could use the cloud service as a TimeMachine, would be a lot better than using an external HD (if someone is going to break into my room and take my MBP, they'll probably nick my external HD as well).

    black ops wallpaper zombies. Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies
  • Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies

  • Gasu E.
    Mar 29, 02:53 PM
    Yes, didnt you know?

    Every country outside the US lives in poverty, where families must raise 17 children to send them out to work, and must fight to the death over food.

    Oh, I had forgotten about all that. Thanks!

    black ops wallpaper zombies. call of duty lack ops
  • call of duty lack ops

  • techweenie
    Apr 25, 10:48 AM
    We're not.

    Though we could.

    Now look at this shiny new thing over here.

    - Steve

    black ops wallpaper zombies. lack ops wallpaper zombies.
  • lack ops wallpaper zombies.

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 5, 01:54 PM
    I knew that was coming.

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  • wallpaper, lack ops map; lack ops wallpaper zombies. Black Ops Videos; Black Ops Videos

  • Small White Car
    Apr 5, 02:22 PM
    :confused: ALready has Friend Jailbreaking is already legal

    So you used the terms "I will revel in the day" and "yes it will happen" for something that's already happened?

    Uh...ok. :confused:

    Based on your future tense I assumed you meant the day when Apple will actually endorse Jailbreaking directly, not the day they'd be forced to simply allow it. Apparently you were using future tense to talk about past events, so you can see how I got confused.

    black ops wallpaper zombies. A small horde of Gas Zombies.
  • A small horde of Gas Zombies.

  • vincenz
    Apr 25, 10:56 AM
    Only Steve could reply with sentences like those and get away with it. :p

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  • price, Call

  • D A
    May 6, 01:53 AM
    I was a little worried until I saw who wrote the article. It's Charlie Demerjian and I've never seen a tech journalist as full of **** as he is. No need to worry, Apple ain't switching to ARM chips in their Macs.

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  • appleguy123
    May 2, 11:01 PM
    In I haven't read the rules yet, so there's a small chance that that might change.

    black ops wallpaper zombies. Cod Black Ops Wallpaper
  • Cod Black Ops Wallpaper

  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 09:44 AM
    Because "they" didn't slip this trojan into the phones...the government did via the phone companies/FCC.

    It is not enough to track every internet/email action of the population, they also want to know where we are at all times and our habits so a "repairman" can enter the house of a "dissident" while they are at work and...

    Ties between intelligence agencies and consumer products have to be far more defined than any of us realize.

    black ops wallpaper zombies. Call Of Duty Black Ops Zombies
  • Call Of Duty Black Ops Zombies

  • AZREOSpecialist
    Apr 26, 03:18 PM
    Baloney on so many levels. Apple doesn't need to be like Android to succeed unless you define success as market share. Market share means nothing if you have the margins like Apple does. Fake Steve Jobs (Dan Lyons) said it best last year. To paraphrase, "In three years Android will be huge but we will still have the better business." And if you want to equate market share to developer interest, well, there are articles all over today announcing that developer interest in Android is waning because of fragmentation and tablets while interest in iOS is rising.

    So what's better? More people using your product than the other guy's or having sustainable growth and good profits year in and year out?

    Apple makes money on the handset, Google makes money on ad revenue. Apple needs iOS in order to continue growing and remain successful. How much does Google actually make from Android? Probably nothing close to what Apple makes on iOS and related devices. If Google determines that the Android model does not work for them, they have little incentive not to cut and run if the minority of their revenue is coming from that product. Apple has a whole lot more to lose in this game than Google.

    While profitability and margins are important, ultimately the game goes to the one with the greatest market share. That has been proven over and over again. Having a huge profit margin means nothing if fewer people buy your product than the competitions'.

    black ops wallpaper zombies. lack ops zombies wallpaper
  • lack ops zombies wallpaper

  • thejedipunk
    Jul 30, 01:14 PM
    Why on earth should Apple "go with" a company like Verizon or anybody else?

    Just sell the phone unlocked and let anybody with GSM service pop their sim into their iPhone. Perhaps make an unlocked CDMA phone as well.

    If they have it right with this phone and there is then therefor the sort of demand for it that we have seen for the iPod, the providers will be forced to offer it according to how Apple dictates (can put music on using computer, etc.), rather than disabling the phone to suit the company's marketing schemes, and the providers will offer it at a discount to attain/retain customers.

    You guys seem to think that the service providers dictate what phones we use. Beyond having to be compatible with the network that we choose to use (GSM or CDMA), they don't. I haven't gotten a phone from a service provider for years as I need a phone that I can pop a sim into that is appropriate for whatever country I am in.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Practically all phones are sold unlocked. There's no need to deal with the providers because all they have to do is provide reception for actual phone use. Perhaps it's possible for Apple to create their own wireless data network to access the net on the phone. It would be accessed via standard Wifi. Very similar to the Nintendo WiFi connection.

    This is of course if the phone is real. Even if it was, it wouldn't be at WWDC. You people here take these rumors too serious. It's like a few others have mentioned: a tech-unsavvy photographer? Please. Photographers are the most tech-savvy people on earth. Especially considering that alot of them are indie-hipster art majors, they are obviously consumed in Apple products and the latest and greatest gear from Canon, Nikon and the like. And there has to have been an NDA. My analysis: Apple is spreading rumors just for ***** and giggles.

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  • call-of-duty-lack-ops-zombie-mode-returns. This is a package of 20+ call of. Call of Duty Black Ops Zombie by ~stealth42blade on deviantART

  • genetechnics
    Jul 30, 09:48 AM
    Remember the "Proximity sensor" patent?

    That would be a great way to have a keyboard and numbers, wouldn't it?


    God loves Trinity.

    2+2 = 6

    black ops wallpaper zombies. lack ops wallpaper zombies.
  • lack ops wallpaper zombies.

  • andyx3x
    Apr 20, 12:35 AM
    This will definitely be the first iteration of the iPhone that I will pass on. It's certainly not much of an upgrade from the iPhone 4.

    black ops wallpaper zombies. Call Of Duty Black Ops
  • Call Of Duty Black Ops

  • cecildk9999
    Nov 26, 11:48 AM
    This looks to be a half-baked computer designed to run specific apps that control/present instead of being able to manipulate data.

    Apple should give it full capabilities, about a 12" enclosure, and a durable case and we have ourselves a new toy and I've got my 12" PB replacement!

    hear hear; I second that motion. :)

    Apr 20, 07:37 AM
    This model hasn't promised anything yet because no one but Apple knows what's in store. I don't see any cosmetic changes in store, and the iPhone 4 still looks better than every handset out to date. However don't count your chickens before they hatch!

    Sorry but my phone has never been dropped. Speak for yourself when you say it's going to get dropped. Not all of us are as clumsy as you and your friends apparently.

    How about glass that doesn't get scratched when a piece of hair lands on it?

    Aug 4, 07:35 AM
    I do not believe that Apple should wait to announce their new 64 bit systems. They should (and could) give promos of complete overhauls of their entire Mac lineup. (Final propaganda for iMac Ultra)

    I think that Apple should concentrate on getting lots of switchers. Apple probably care about us old "maccies", because, of course, it is very rare for a mac user to change to using the Operating System That Must Not Be Named.

    I therefore think Apple promoing iMacs, Macbooks, MBPs, MPs, MMs, etc. would be in their best interest, as potential switchers would know that Apple intends to bring out cool machines as soon as they can, if not immediately. Sure, it would impact on initial sales, as no-one would buy any of their computers between then and the shipping date, however, Apple would catch many fence-sitters who would otherwise bite the bullet and buy a much cheaper (and much more pathetic) PC after Steve's Keynote.

    Wining Switchers should be Apple's goal now.

    Jul 21, 04:28 PM
    This is the thing I was referring to; if I knew more about it, I'd be working for
    Intel or Apple... I guess...

    Just a hint, do NOT believe any of the rubbish from Mac OS Rumors. It is the World's worst Apple source.

    Mar 27, 12:37 AM
    There are claims by some analysts that Amazon is going to kick the crap out of Apple's Maiden, N.C. data center and Netflix in one quick shot with their own cloud service.

    For the Kindle, or for their new Appstore? Apple still has the upper hand with iTunes, and the real App Store.

    Apr 20, 07:04 AM
    Let's see - the iPad 2 had a faster CPU and has the same/better battery life. So where is your logic?

    And you know how Apple did it? By increasing the size of the battery pack itself.

    As for the iPhone 5, I think in the end the device will most likely spec out like this:

    1. Will look like a "thicker" 4G iPod touch but with a much-improved metal-band surround antenna that is not so susceptible to the "grip of death" antenna reception issues.
    2. The backing will no longer use glass. Don't be surprised if the backing uses LiquidMetal (maybe carbon fiber if Apple can figure out a way to manufacture it at reasonable cost).
    3. Display is now a full 4" IPS LCD touchscreen.
    4. It will use A5 dual-core CPU/GPU.
    5. It may get a RAM bump from 512 MB to 768 MB.
    6. Flash memory storage options are still 16 and 32 GB, but in a smaller physical size for flash memory module.
    7. Battery size will get bigger for longer battery life.
    8. Will add Bluetooth 4.0 functionality.
    9. Will likely add full near-field communications (NFC) functionality, including full compatibility with the Sony FeliCa system widely used in eastern Asia.
    10. Will NOT add Thunderbolt I/O, since it would be overkill and few devices support the Thunderbolt I/O anyway.

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