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Saturday, May 14, 2011

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  • prady16
    Sep 14, 09:06 AM
    Have a look at the front page.
    It doesn't mention anything about a keynote!

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  • nitynate
    Sep 12, 02:41 PM
    Dear Apple,



    PS- I will still buy your stuff.

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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 9, 10:10 AM
    Good - now we won't have to wade through any arguments with fanbois who claim that the iMac is the "most powerful desktop on the planet"....


    As previously confirmed, the iMac is the most powerful AIO desktop...the title you just mentioned belongs to the MacPro...sorry for the misunderstanding...:rolleyes:

    How is Winblows going on your side, Aiden? Many BSODs today?

    PowerBooks G5, oops, Mini Tower Macs next Tuesday!!!! :rolleyes:

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  • ~Shard~
    Sep 10, 11:50 AM
    Not naming names, but I find it funny how everyone suddenly becomes an engineer.:rolleyes:

    What kind of Engineer? A Train Engineer? :p :D

    For the record, I'm an Electronics Systems Engineer - not sure if I see what you're getting at... How is "everyone suddenly an Engineer" in this thread? :confused:

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  • chezhoy
    Apr 22, 12:30 PM
    I sure hope not!

    Ooh, I wonder what the other upgrades will be. Macbook Airs are becoming really awesome notebooks. Hopefully it someday takes over the macbook. iPad <Macbook (Air) < Macbook Pro < iMac < Mac Pro

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  • uv23
    Sep 12, 09:20 PM
    Apple's whole new "black is top of the line" trend is thoroughly idiotic. I literally removed my credit card from my wallet when I read on the event stream that Apple had released an 8gb nano, then replaced it when I read on about the 8gb model being black only. I hate black electronics. I want an aluminum 8gb iPod to match my PowerBook. Is that so much to ask?? Fine, if they want to only allow black for 8gb, but why limit us. Stupid stupid stupid.:mad:

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  • whooleytoo
    Oct 12, 03:58 PM
    Maybe because all across the globe, women and children are hugely disadvantaged economically and socially in comparison to men? People who need more help should get more help.

    Generally, that's a good point. But in this case I don't think it's significant: your average adult male in Africa is likely to be more affluent than the average adult female (or child), sure - but it's not as if he can afford quality healthcare either!

    It's just people at two different levels of poverty, neither of whom can afford the healthcare they need.

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  • DavidLeblond
    Aug 28, 01:14 PM
    Apple would not leave "secret" massive shipments lying around unsold.

    Yeah, Apple would NEVER do THAT. :rolleyes:

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  • MacinDoc
    Sep 9, 11:23 AM
    Is one of the 512MB RAM on the iMac soldered on?? :confused:
    It was on a previous version of the iMac, not the current one.

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  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 14, 10:03 AM
    Perhaps some kind of high performance consumer-oriented/gaming-oriented tower?

    (Just pure speculation...)


    Exactly!!! Here's hoping! :D

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  • SFStateStudent
    Mar 30, 11:50 AM
    I'm thinkin' Apple should have gone with "iApp Store" (u heard it here FIRST! Let me get a trademark/patent on that) b/c Microsoft is just a big ole' :D

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  • VenusianSky
    Mar 30, 12:22 PM
    There was a guy that I went to school with name Bill that had this crazy idea of programming his own operating system and calling it "Bill's Gates". I wonder if he could of trademark that? It was back in the Windows 95 days.

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  • Flyinace2000
    Sep 26, 07:27 AM
    As long as i can buy one on ebay then i am happy.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 20, 10:32 AM
    Good work buy this group. Hopefully Apple addresses this.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 5, 01:51 PM
    Quoted from an older thread that has been left behind:

    iLounge have an invitation: Definitely new iPods of some form
    "Centre for the Arts Theatre": Most likely some sort of movie content
    iLounge have an invitation: Consumer event, new iMacs most likely.

    I get the feeling the purported MacBook Pro updates are going to happen externally to this event, most probably when Apple can get enough into the distribution pipeline to begin immediate shipping.

    So, I'm going to make a bold prediction here and say that it will be similar to last year's "One More Thing..." event but with a focus on "Bigger."

    Act One: Last year was the iMac with built-in iSight and Front Row/Photo Booth software. This year it all gets bigger with new Core 2 Duo iMacs now in 17", 20" and 23" models. All models get HDMI-in ports and Front Row gains a "TV" option. No PVR functionality, no worrying about differing TV formats and delivery systems, if you have a box with HDMI-out you can watch TV on your iMac too.

    Act Two: Last year it was the sales of iPod, iTunes Music Store and iPod accessories. This year, with the focus on "bigger" Apple announce the availability of feature-length movies on iTunes. iTunes 7 makes use of new Bit-Torrent style downloads from servers all over the world to ensure rapid download speeds, H.264 encoding allows for the smallest possible file size. $9.99 for DVD quality, $14.99 for HD.

    Act Three: Last year was the new 5th generation iPod. This year we go "bigger" with the new 6th generation iPod sporting a 4.5" full-colour LCD screen at a resolution of 720x480. Incredible screen, more detail than ever before and you are able to download your iTunes-purchased movies onto it and watch them in bright, sharp, full colour. Available in 40GB and 80GB models and sporting a revolutionary new touch-control interface with hints of Apple's Front Row software the new iPod is shipping today.

    Rip me apart if you will, I don't think Apple should make an iPhone. The global mobile phone system is too complex. The US are only just getting 3G whilst we're all looking down the road at 4G but that is Apple's biggest market. Maybe a US-only iPhone will appear but as it stands, other more-established phone makers have the market sorted globally.

    MacBook Pro to be updated when Core 2 Duo production hits peak. Late September.


    Somebody cast doubt on the HDMI thing, I don't know - just seemed like the easiest option to get video into an iMac. You don't have to worry about all the different methods of getting TV (free to air, digital, cable) because if you have a HDMI-enabled receiver it would just plug into the back of the iMac. You'd need to use the receiver's remote to do all the channel changing but Apple could offer some sort of recording program. EyeHome could do something with it too? I'm no expert, just trying to look at a simple solution for a complicated, fragmented problem.

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  • Eidorian
    Apr 14, 01:27 PM
    A Mac? Why not?I believe we are waiting to see a wider selection of Macs with Thunderbolt support.

    I do not recall many buyers clamoring to see if an OEM decided to cough up the extra $2-5 on a controller and then turn around to sell it at $10 over the non-USB 3.0 board.

    I find that Thunderbolt support does not register to the masses as well. So it is up to us, enthusiasts, to provide the wisdom on a port that the majority are never going to use.

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  • bdj21ya
    Oct 12, 03:30 PM
    This will probably go over like a lead balloon, but there is something to be said for natural selection. NOW BEFORE YOU START SCREAMING, hear me out...

    AIDS is an awful thing, especially to the proportions it has affected the people of Africa. But there is also a reason AIDS has taken over there the way it is, and it's only partially to do with poverty. AIDS has exploded in that population, because it is a population that is extremely traditional, rudimentary, and in many ways archaic. There are many wonderful things about the African people, but there were also many wonderful things about the Dinosaurs, the Dodo bird, and numerous others.

    Please don't take this to mean I'm equating the people of Africa with wild animals. I'm not. But in many ways, the people of Africa are in the situation they are in because they have not evolved the same way as most of the world, and in that respect, they are paying a price. Yes, it is our responsibility as human beings to try and help people in need, and that is a wonderful thing. But at the end of the day, if we did nothing, there would still be a small percentage of African people who will survive this epidemic, and they will be more educated and elightened than the ones who do not.

    Much in the way that forest fires, although terrible in some respects, are essential to the rejuvenation of the population and ecosystem in that area, so too are epidemics and catastrophes. And this not a bash-on-Africa comment... the Black Plague was the same idea. Too many people, living in too close quarters, with too little regard for health or wellbeing. Millions died, but many survived, and the ones that did were smarter and wiser for it.

    The people of Africa are not necessarily as helpless as the may seem from the outside. They just have a different culture and mindset than Western people do. Right or wrong is not for us to decide, but adapting to nature is part of life on Earth... and sometimes that means that large numbers of people or animals die, needlessly or otherwise. Just my two cents.

    I admire your commitment to the evolutionary approach. I would just like to point out that evolution has also created the compassion (or at least social conscience) that inspires this sort of effort. Perhaps this compassion is a trait that increases the survivability of our species in a way too. (I'm not suggesting that all traits increase survivability, but evolution has been going for some time now, and compassion has been a human trait for some time as well, so perhaps the two are friends for some reason).

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  • hayesk
    May 3, 12:45 PM
    You can daisy chain multiple monitors with DisplayPort 1.2, and it has much more bandwidth than a Thunderbolt channel.

    DP 1.2 has up to 17.28 Gbps.
    TB has two 10 Gbps channels.

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  • EspressoLove
    Apr 23, 01:14 AM
    Yes it is a deal breaker. I actually spend quite a bit of time in bed after lights out surfing and reading, keeping up with stuff (I am doing it at this moment) with the brightness at the lowest level +1 to not disturb my wife, and its definitely not enough to see the keyboard.

    If it is absolutely deal breaker for you then you might look at Glowing fluorescent keyboard stickers ( ...
    I'd think it's not nearly as good as Apple's backlight (and you can't ramp it up, or turn it off :eek:)

    For me it would be nice to have KB backlight, but not a big deal

    Mar 23, 05:04 PM
    That's not the point, it's about having respect for those who are no longer with us.

    Is that really what it's about? Or is it about people looking down their noses at humor they aren't into. The guy made a joke. Nobody was harmed, especially not the dead. If that is the case, every top comedian needs to throw out half of their jokes. I'm not even saying it was funny to me, just that it's ridiculous to get worked up over it.

    Apr 22, 11:43 AM
    I've been debating whether to get the iPad 2 or a 11.6" MBA. I currently own the original iPad but thought I would invest a little more and get a nice MBA instead of the iPad 2. I hope they add illuminated keyboards along with this upgrade.

    Sep 14, 08:21 AM
    Whether the iPhone, if/on release, is in two models (similar to the nano/video relationship) or not, here's a mockup I've just created, depicting what I would expect of the device at the moment.

    I don't usually do mock-ups (this is in fact my first one) but with all the numpad/touchscreen/slide-down ideas in the works, I wanted to show a solution which is based very much on what we have right now. It would make sense that the devices would sit snugly in line with Apple's other mobile products.

    Lesser Evets
    Mar 22, 02:56 PM
    I wouldn't be surprised if the iMac and new Mac mini are the replacement for the Mac Pro...

    By the time November comes around, Thunderbolt may cause the death of the Mac Pro.

    Your logic is half-baked. The MacPro has one specific function which the iMac will probably never have: instant customization. You can stack tons of drive space in them, tons of RAM, and choose any sort of monitor config.

    Sure, iMacs might be able to do something like that, but with a lot of garbage floating around and cluttering everything. Also, the processors in the Pro are always beefier.

    However, I'd agree that for almost all people in the market, an iMac would be just as good as a MacPro. In 4 years I will probably replace my 2007 Pro with an iMac. Spending $4000 for a good Pro isn't worth it compared to $2000 for an iMac.

    Apr 14, 12:17 PM
    I do know that USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt are really great, but it bothers me that Apple seems to be abandoning Firewire. I always thought of Firewire as an apple technology. I've read that there are now Firewire 1600 and 3200 technologies.

    I do hope that Apple will adopt the new USB standard. I see USB as being much more useful for average users than Thunderbolt. I was really surprised years ago when I found that my new iPod was unable to use the Firewire cable that my first iPod used.

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