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Sunday, May 15, 2011

short haircuts 2011 for men

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  • steadysignal
    May 6, 06:59 AM
    I can't think of a worse idea!

    nor can i.

    i just remember all the problems i had with those processors in the past.

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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 09:22 PM
    BS. The only lesson to be learned here is that teachers devise lame pneumonic devices to confuse kids. If you're so damn smart, why wouldn't you properly write the correct equation with proper groupings in the first place?

    Look at the poll, the groups divided about 50/50. Great job you and your teaching pals did. So much for "perfectly noted." This example is a classic glass half full/empty exercise.

    Tastes great. (who's with me):p

    I explained why it might be written the way it is, you choose to ignore that like you ignored all the other facts here. The group is divided because some people just don't learn, we have posted exactly why pemdas gives the correct answer when used properly but stubborn people here still say things like well... It's half full/half empty. No, it's not. It's black and white and if you can't see that by now, you never will. Some people just can never admit to mistakes and will never learn anything. Don't blame the teachers...

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  • f00f
    Mar 28, 10:49 AM
    Pretty confident ( there won't be an iPhone 5 this summer. The CDMA phone was just launched. It really doesn't make sense to stagger the releases (CDMA in winter, GSM in summer); it makes much more sense to unify the devices. We don't want fragmentation, do we? But no way in hell it's going to happen four months after the CDMA launch. This makes as much sense as launching an iPad 3 in the so-called "year of iPad 2". :rolleyes:

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  • jcgarza
    Mar 29, 12:48 PM
    Am I the only one who thinks that the fact that you can't use this service on iOS has more to do with Apple than it does with Amazon? (Remember

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  • taylorc
    Sep 15, 09:19 PM
    Could you bump that up if you called back and did the overnight gig?

    Just curious.

    My friend (an apple employee) used his discount and ordered for me at the store. I don't think he ever asked me about shipping, I assumed it was standard for every consumer.

    I can see an extra week to added on to throw in an extra gig and ship from China, not NINE days! Either way it will be here and in the meantime I'll HOPE FOR THE BEST, and expect yonah.

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  • Jape
    Nov 14, 01:06 AM
    BLT changed there ETA to 11-17 so hopefully we all will get it sooner :)

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  • Tyrion
    Apr 20, 10:39 AM
    So, we aren't allowed to talk about contracts? On the internet? Because you might come by and read about it? Yes, that is what "entitlement" is, get over yourself and skip over the posts that don't apply to you. Christ, esp when it is a positive for you.

    You're just screwing with me, right? Because this has nothing to do with what I actually wrote.

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  • jholzner
    Aug 11, 09:48 AM
    Wait a second...if they release it in Paris, won't it no longer qualify for the free ipod?!? :(

    It still will qualify. The promo runs through the 16th of September and the Expo ends on the 16th. You'll just have to order it ASAP once it's announced.

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  • mmomega
    May 4, 02:58 PM
    That's great that it installs a partition.
    So my warranty is out and I want to install a brand new SSD.
    I've upgraded only about a dozen friends' MacBooks to SSD and w/o the grey disc that came with the computer you're screwed. Retail copy won't work.

    again, I'm completely fine with having any app in the world as download only. Great, it's faster.
    Some never do a full reinstall, that's the majority, but you do still have those that work on these machines and some times you need the physical media.

    short haircuts 2011 for men. 2011 men#39;s hair trends
  • 2011 men#39;s hair trends

  • appleguy123
    May 3, 08:21 PM
    From what you wrote in the rules, the healing treasure could be awhile.

    I think whoever understands this game the best (e.g., DP) should make our first decision. We can evaluate it after and learn from it. We�re obviously learning in this game. BTW, my fav video games are the leveling types with HP/AP (don�t have XP in this one). We could do a lot with this format if it�s successful
    We can each make our own decisions, as well as work as a team (i.e. we don't forget we can split up).

    If we keep this type of format, I think that we should make it a separate franchise from the WW games as they really have nothing in common except for the game lords.

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  • Rocketman
    May 7, 06:21 PM
    Now I start thinking about it, I've never paid Google a single cent, but I use
    You do not pay Google but advertisers on your splash pages pay Google. You help them make far more money than you would pay for the service and you do that for them for free. And spread the word.

    On behalf of all Google stockholders worldwide, thank you for being one of our minions.


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  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 21, 03:46 PM
    Three words: Back to School.

    Three more words: Worldwide Developer's Conference. Why would a back to school product be released at a developer's conference. It will have its own event or a silent release. And yes that was way more than three words. :p

    short haircuts 2011 for men. short hair styles 2011 men.
  • short hair styles 2011 men.

  • kristoffer4
    Mar 31, 03:24 AM
    Am I the only one having problems with the following default (moronified) settings?

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 02:26 PM
    (qoute above me). Let alone isn't it that Apple orders for such an amount of processors for such a price (discounted over market price), and then puts those in laptops. So what I mean it really doesn't matter if Yonah is reduced does it?Apple probably has a JUST-IN-TIME arrangement with Intel that keeps an obsolete processor inventory from ever building up. This would be pared with an auto price reduction scheme as Intel lowers prices to the public. Just guessing.

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 20, 12:47 AM
    to really stay ahead of the market Apple will need to:

    add a 4" screen
    keep the same form factor
    add the dual core A5 processor
    update the GPU to something similar in the iPad 2
    while keeping the same or improving the battery life
    add a 64GB version
    (possible 8 MP backlit CMOS sensor camera along side possible 1080p recording since the iPad can now output in full 1080p through HDMI)

    Since it sounds like Apple is going to make us wait till September anything less than this rather reasonable list would be a major letdown while allowing the competition more time to get caught up.

    Please site sources of when has Apple cared about staying ahead of an artificial market. I am trying to think of a time and they never really cared. They bring out what works when it works and that is why they do so well without having to have 100 products out all the time.

    Nope Apple will take its time and do it right, as for a better camera really how big do you want to take your picture, I want sharper image and video not more gimmicky camera that don't hold their water. Faster response time on the UI would be welcome. The Snow Leopard of the phone business.

    And for those that want 4G not sure if I care or want to see my battery go dead fast. I must admit 3G just does not seem slow to me and its more about location location location.
    This article does not make me all warm inside about 4G for now.

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  • muffinss
    May 4, 05:02 PM
    I dont think its going to be though the App Store. The only reason its thought he app store now is the minimise abuse.

    Anyway, what happens if you whole hard drive dies?
    What if you want to reinstall everything from scratch?
    There is just too many what ifs

    I think the should use USB flash drives rather then DVDs IF the flash drives are faster then the DVD

    The app store is for apps and not for a whole OS

    They're probably make it that if your hard drive dies, you need to go to the Apple store and have them do it. If you don't have Apple care, or if ran out, lol enjoy their high prices.

    Seriously, it would suck if they didn't allow you to burn your own copy to a disk. Even Microsoft allows you to do that if you buy Windows online as a digital download. They allow you to actually backup all your media from them to an external drive / disk, including Office. They recommend it.

    If they wont allow us to burn a copy, I will be ordering a physical disk copy off of Amazon.

    short haircuts 2011 for men. Mens Hairstyles 2011, New Hot
  • Mens Hairstyles 2011, New Hot

  • kevink2
    Mar 28, 12:12 PM
    This may explain why Apple is, apparently, still going ahead with the white iPhone 4. And also not obsolete some Verizon purchasers so fast.

    Maybe if they go on a little longer refresh schedule, it will match up a little better with carrier subsidies.

    On the other hand, since my intent is to skip the next generation, that may mean I wait 2 1/2 years instead of 2 years. Will the phone absorb the drops, etc, that it gets that long?

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  • ravenvii
    May 2, 03:22 PM
    First of all, welcome to the newest game brought to you by ravenvii and chrmjenkins. We will be referred in the rules and during the game as Game Masters. I will chiefly run the thread, while chrmjenkins will chiefly correspond with the Villain (as explained below). We will share equal burdens for story-telling.

    The rule set is completely different than anything you have seen before, so please read the whole post carefully. If you have any questions or thoughts regarding the rules, please feel free to ask in the thread. Official answers to questions will be added to the bottom of this post.



    In General:

    The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.

    The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the villain has access) and the secret agencies and powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.

    The map will be slowly revealed to the heroes as they move through the mansion.

    The Villain:

    The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures and take control of The Artifact. The villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset of the game.

    With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion except the room in where the heroes are located during that round. Only one monster and trap can be set in a room. A monster and a trap can both coexist in a room, however. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to use it to set monsters or traps or self-heal.

    The villain starts at level 16, with 16 HP and 16 AP, and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are in the game (two levels per each playing hero).

    His Goal: to kill each and every hero invading his mansion.

    The Heroes:

    They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.

    Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.

    The Couple: Two heroes who are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.

    The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to slay the villain. He has awesome magical powers.

    Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.

    Heroes’ Goal: the endgame is slightly different for the different classes, but they always requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.

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  • shaolindave
    May 4, 06:02 PM
    It'd be cool for Apple to start building a small, fast SSD "drive" (memory chips) into every Mac, that would be dedicated to the core System, and only the System. Small enough to be inexpensive, large enough to easily accommodate current and future System files, fast enough to be faster than any current hard drive. Make the drive say 32-64 GB, with two partitions. One partition holds the installed System, the other partition is just scratch space for downloaded and uninstalled software, including the System itself. Possibly this partition contains some minimal boot system in order to re-download and install the package from the app store in case the installation gets botched.

    I would love this. I remember the old Commodore 64 days when the OS was on ROM chips and it was an instant boot. Nowadays that wouldn't be very practical with OS updates, but something similar would be great.
    Imagine being able to do a complete system restore and have a barebones OS be unaffected.

    Nov 3, 12:21 PM
    With apologies to anyone here who bought them I feel like the dock and app are for those with more money then common sense.

    Sep 10, 10:58 PM
    can't wait!!! not too much longer now!

    here's hoping to something new in the living room:cool:

    Aug 3, 11:25 AM
    How Do You Make A Yonah MBP Run @ 2.33GHz? You Don't. It's Merom Inside.

    I see that you misunderstood the context of the 2.33Ghz but you are still incorrect. You can buy a 2.33Ghz Yonah today, its called the T2700. I know there are not any T2700's in a MBP but Apple could have done so if they wanted.

    Now, back to your 1.67X Battery life…

    Straight from a "Merom vs. Yonah" AnandTech article ( released earlier today:

    Here there's no difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo, which in the mobile world is important. If Intel isn't going to give us any more battery life, it had better not take any away.

    In our final battery life test, the Core 2 Duo T7600 actually falls behind its Core Duo counterpart by 2 minutes, but the margin of error for battery life tests is usually at least 1%, so overall battery life is essentially identical.


    Aug 7, 03:46 PM
    That's what I'm saying, $400x2=$800-$300=$500 profit for Apple, That's wonderful for Apple.

    On the other hand, internal pricing from Intel can be VERY different. So don't let it get too much into your head.

    Bottom line, these quads are truly wonderful machines to buy.

    Apr 23, 05:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wow, that App Store icon devoured my whole screen (MBP 13)

    Yeah. Barely fits on my screen and i have a 24" inch imac.

    it would be sick to have a 30" retina ACD. /dream

    Yeah a 1024 x 1024 icon is amazing considering I would bet a significant amount of 1024 x 768 monitors are still being used. Imagine not being able to view an icon in its entirety on a five-year-old monitor!

    short haircuts 2011 for men Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin