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Sunday, May 15, 2011

long haired chihuahua puppies for sale in nc

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  • long haired chihuahua dog.

  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 12:15 PM
    Fear of death. That's why religion was invented and why it will always exist.

    actually it is not the fear of Death ... many religious people do not worry when their time is done ... for them "the afterlife" trumps everything

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 03:09 PM
    OK, so you want a completely independent tablet that does not communicate with anyone or anything unless you want it to but can still be useful as is. I don't think you are going to enjoy the next decade. That world is being pushed aside by the connected future. So while you will be able to get the tablet you want, it won't be the tablet most people will want.

    You think me young for thinking most PCs are mostly useless without Net connectivity. Fine, make your assumptions. What I was talking about is the business cloud present and future where PCs are becoming front end devices to cloud databases.

    As for personal use, most people don't even notice the hardware today any more than most people can tell you the ignition timing specs of their car. They just want to use their apps (drive their car). I think this is a healthy development because the computer should fade into the background for the next level of progress to be made. Don't worry, techies and hackers, you'll always have your devices to take apart (just as anyone can hack a car's engine if they wish). But the vast majority of computer users just want a device that gives them their apps. A new world awaits them, and they are going to love it.

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  • long haired chihuahua dog.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 06:46 PM
    So what you are saying is skunk was correct in every respect (and he was) but you just had to argue anyway.
    No, I'm not saying that. Skunk said Ciaociao's Latin sentence was meaningless. But I figured out what it meant. So it wasn't meaningless.

    Is that something taught in the catechism? Based on this thread I'd been wondering.
    Something about what?

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  • SPUY767
    Sep 26, 09:33 AM
    Software makers are the ones holding computing back in this arena. They refuse to accept that CPUs aren't going to get any faster, and that they are going to have to make their applications multi-threaded. This is especially true for games. The time has come, however, and software publishers are going to have to either make their applications massively-multithreaded, or fall to the wayside and be overtaken by an amateur application maker that is already making multi-threaded apps.

    My 2.66GHz MacPro doesn't use all four cores except on rare occassions (e.g. benchmarks, quicktime, handbrake, etc.) and even then it doesn't peg them all. What I'm most interested in is offloading OpenGL to a core, the GUI to another core, etc.

    Use BOINC, that will peg all four of your cores.

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  • cmcconkey
    Jul 12, 12:15 PM
    Smallish mid-tower case
    Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.8Ghz or better
    1GB RAM
    1-PCIe x16 Slot
    1-Standard PCI Slot
    6-USB 2.0 ports (One in front)
    1- Firewire 800 port (in front)
    Dual Layer DVD
    Onboard 10/100/1000 (I don't care if its wireless, but a wireless opition would be nice but not necessary)
    Graphics Card should be x1600XT or better with 256mb RAM

    I want it at or less than $1199.00

    Now gimmie

    Also would have to have a standard Firewire port. Wireless and Bluetooth standard would be just awesome, considering it is quite cheap now. At that price point would be VERY nice. But don't see it happening. :(


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  • Inhale420
    Oct 11, 12:26 PM
    Originally posted by j763

    BUT... i'd like to raise this important point. wtf are the win32 users using their CPU power for? Typing up word documents really fast? browsing the web with Internet Exporer v6.000.21312.185726351;SP1? or perhaps having to wait only 10 seconds for windows media player to launch? win32 is simply a craptacular operating system to the extent where it shouldn't be recognized (and i certainly don't recognize it) as a real operating system. mac and *nix (excl. linux-on-the-desktop) is where it's at. get over it.

    you gotta be ****ing kidding me. it's so amusing to witness the brainwashed and ignorant roam the earth. yes, i use the latest version of ie and browse these forums 10x faster than whatever mac browser you're using. i only have the default ie on my mac, because there's no point in installing other browsers when you have a pc.

    i also have a hell of an easier time developing for the web using the tabbeb-based version of dreamweaver and coldfusion studio. i export 3ds artwork to flash, and the performance of my 2 year old 1ghz athlon is amazing. and when i'm done with work, I USE MY PC AS A GAME MACHINE. the only reason i have a mac, is because i really want to use them for 2d graphics, but apple really ****ing do something brilliant if they expect me to upgrade.

    so can you explain what you mean by 'not recognizing' windows? that statement made absolutely NO sense. don't be such a bigot.

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  • mdntcallr
    Sep 12, 03:26 PM
    While this certainly is a nice interface to a entertainment system.

    this certainly isnt a full function media center.

    Why no computer with all of this functionality? this is kinda like front row, but not much extra?

    Why can't we buy a mid sized tower (in stereo size) which can have HDMI 1080p output? with blu-ray drive built in?

    hey just asking. i know blu-ray is just getting started, but i'd like apple to be on it from the get go.

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  • shawnce
    Oct 25, 11:53 PM
    Do either IBM or Motorola have a quad-core chip on the horizon? IBM has been shipping 8 core POWER5 ( in a single MCM with 36 MiBs of L3 cache for a couple of years now. IBM ( has a long history with these types of things. ...of course they cost far more then what Intel is putting out in the near future.

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    Sep 12, 06:55 PM
    If you're suggesting that Front Row's remote would be suitable for a DVR, I think you're dead wrong.

    I never said that. I said a USB device would control the PVR recording software from any TV in your house.

    The Front Row remote manages all content easily just like it does now, today.

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 28, 02:13 PM
    Software might not need that powerful of a processor, but what about OS? Heck Itunes shutters on my bros 2008 Macbook Pro, which is basic software.

    Huh? A 2008 MBP should have no problem running iTunes.

    Flash can barely run on his computer also.

    Flash for Mac sucks even on the most high-end Macs. Why do you think Mac users tend to dislike Flash? It's not the Mac - it's Adobe.

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  • Image of Puppy For Sale

  • rdowns
    Mar 24, 07:17 PM
    The Catholic Church doesn't hate homosexuals

    Hate the sin, love the sinner. ;)

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  • Chihuahua puppies for sale

  • Dark
    Oct 25, 11:51 PM
    I personally really want this revision to made before the holiday season. I'm really in the market for a Mac-Pro and this would be the perfect Christmas/Birthday Gift. It would really upset me to get one and then shortly after Christmas the update it made. I think Apple needs to make better marketing decisions as to when the update their product lines.

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  • brap
    Mar 20, 09:54 PM
    It's more than a copyright/fair use issue.
    You AGREED not to bypass or attempt to circumvent DRM, not to redistribute the files in any unauthorized manner, and to use iTunes alone to interface with the iTMS. And not just agreed passively, but EXPLICITLY agreed to those terms, and now you are breaking your word. How is that not morally wrong?
    I do agree that it is effectively the break of a promise. Hell, it's the breaking of a contract... which is certainly quite wrong. But what if you believe the original terms and conditions to be morally wrong in themselves?

    Yes, yes, I know. Don't use the software, but people do, and people will. In the scheme of things, considering all alternatives, I really can't see such strong objection. For reasons noted in my first post, the software will likely only be picked up by a small number of tech-savvy, yet honest users - and that's the thing. This is a very small market, quite unlikely to be distributing these songs over p2p - which is (correct me if I'm wrong) the main reason for DRM in the first place?

    Trying to stay pragmatic here without advocating anarchy. It's not working.

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  • Lennholm
    May 2, 04:08 PM
    To compare Windows' extremely annoying UAC crap with the non-intrusive one-time authorization requests for newly-downloaded files on Mac OS X is ludicrous...not to mention the fact that OS X's user password validity lasts for a while after it is typed.

    Conclusion: You've probably never really used OS X.

    Well I've actually worked with technical support of OS X so...
    Both the authorization in OS X and Windows UAC requires confirmation when any sw needs to write to the disk or access to certain system information. OS X doesn't only require authorization when installing an app (and updating, mind you) or running it for the first time, it also needs it when changing anything in the system.
    UAC works exactly the same way, that 3rd party developers aren't making the effort to adapt their sw to a permission based OS and unnecesarily require admin rights isn't really MS fault.
    As I said, I can't even think of any such sw on my Windows PC and I don't find UAC more annoying than OS X authorization in the least. I get the UAC prompt at the same times as I do in OS X, when installing/updating an application and changing system preferences, nothing else.

    What do you mean, "Try Windows 7"? I've used and maintained every version of Windows from 98SE all the way up to 7. I even toyed around with 95 in a virtual machine from pure curiosity. Hell, I even have a Windows 7 boot camp partition.

    I know exactly what Windows 7 is like. It comes with maintaining every computer at the house, several of the computers at the high school, fixing collegemates' computers, and being known as the neighborhood tech kid since age 14 (now 22, for reference).

    Sorry, that last sentence wasn't aimed at you, it was more of a general statement about how some people simply dismiss everything that comes from MS without any personal experience. It's so obvious that they haven't used Win 7 and are only making assumptions, simply because it's cool to hate MS

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 12, 04:51 PM
    Yes Mulitmedia these are the same morons with too much money and too little sense , These are the same people who are saying ..ohhh why can't Conroe go into an iMac , but i want a Woodcrest , hey I don't care if Merom is Pin compatible can't they go with Conroe for it's better perfromance

    What a bunch of whiny daddy's boys , no sense at all they just obey the all mighty Stevie Jobs when he lies about how the new MacPro is THE FASTEST PEECEE IN THE WORRRRLD:pCareful. You can get banned for calling anyone here a naughty name. They will go whining to the moderators and a moderator who might not like you in the first place will lock you out of the process. So I don't disrespect anyone in writing here any more. Everyone here is beautiful and fun to be with. :)

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 28, 12:28 AM
    You just quoted me as saying something I did not say. Please correct it.
    I'm sorry. I will correct it.

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  • RedTomato
    Mar 15, 06:17 PM
    Continuous live timestamped text based updates:
    (may be a different link tomorrow, but check on the front page for the current link to live updates)
    (link changes each day, check on front page for the current day's link)

    BBC is slightly slower but more accurate (but they beat the Guardian when announcing the 4th explosion).

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  • mhdena
    Jul 10, 08:50 PM
    In my opinion AT&T is the worst service in the universe; Here in Boulder Colorado You have to carry 2 phones! my iphone through at&t and the one I actually can make calls on.:mad:

    The iphone has been the weakest phone on AT&T since it came out. You might as well carry an ipod touch and another phone to talk on if you have to have an apple device with you.:rolleyes:

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Oct 7, 03:43 PM
    You're right, the app numbers really reflect that developers are leaving... only 85,000 apps. Ouch. Just because a few bloggers complain about the process, which I'm sure is frustrating for developers, doesn't mean that's how every dev feels. I just think there is too much incentive for devs to leave the iPhone. Too much money to be made.

    I'll believe it when I see a few percent of mid- to upper-sized developers leaving.

    And of those 85k apps how many of them are not crap...

    I think saying 1k is being very generous. Most of the apps are pretty crappy and useless.

    And yes I am calling what most of the devs are turing out crap.

    I read reports that over 60% of all apps turn into apple are getting rejected with little help on why. Apple closes overly closes system will be its downfall in the end.
    A lot of the best apps for the iPhone out there are currently only available for Jail broken phones only. That should tell you something. A lot of the best apps and devs are saying "I am done with apple" and going to make apps Jail broken only.

    Go look at the jail broken app store. Some great stuff is in there. The approval process to get in that store is a matter of turning your app in and it is put up.

    Apr 15, 01:03 PM
    Dont bash his/her religious beliefs. They could be right or wrong...its up to each person to decide, and make true in their lives. Personally, I believe in a powerful God of love and grace. Just my 2cents:)

    Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "right" and "wrong". Morality is subjective and so is the Bible/Religion.

    Apr 20, 05:31 PM
    It will be interesting 10 years from now to compare the number of viruses that will have occurred on android vs. iOS.

    There are already a score of malware and spyware on Android, including software that phish for bank customer information of Fandroids.

    Aug 29, 11:53 AM
    You can't always win :rolleyes: :cool: :D

    CRT monitors also consume more power than LCDs.

    Great avatar, CompUser. I thought my system had just slowed to a crawl! :D

    Aug 29, 10:46 PM
    Not all organic foods are actually organic.
    Care to enlighten us?

    Jul 13, 08:21 AM
    the imac G5 has sufficient cooling to handle conroe, the macbook just has a heatplate connected to a heatpipe connected to small radiator, the imac has a full blow large copper heatsink over it similar to those used on 1U servers which can handle 100w xeons.

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